The Chinook Club of America encourages and promotes the owning, breeding and training of purebred Chinooks while striving to enhance their natural qualities.
Please tour the CCA website to learn more about our amazing Chinook dogs!
Scroll down this page for current club news.
Scroll down this page for current club news.
The Chinook is an all-purpose working dog: a sled dog that succeeds on the trail as well as at home as a treasured member of the family. Chinooks are affectionate and playful. They are easy to train with positive methods. Our dogs compete in AKC events, participating in conformation, obedience, rally, coursing, agility, tracking, nose work, therapy work, tricks, barn hunt and more. There are several AKC Breed Champions of record.
Chinooks can be sweet and laid back, but also have energy to burn and thrive with some type of job. They love playing with children and Chinooks excel at all types of outdoor activities including hiking, jogging, biking, backpacking, sledding, skijoring, scootering, camping, swimming and boating.
Whether running in teams down a snowy trail, earning breed and obedience titles, flying through an agility course, hiking up a mountain, or snuggling on the couch with a much-adored child - Chinooks are the ideal canine companion!
Chinooks can be sweet and laid back, but also have energy to burn and thrive with some type of job. They love playing with children and Chinooks excel at all types of outdoor activities including hiking, jogging, biking, backpacking, sledding, skijoring, scootering, camping, swimming and boating.
Whether running in teams down a snowy trail, earning breed and obedience titles, flying through an agility course, hiking up a mountain, or snuggling on the couch with a much-adored child - Chinooks are the ideal canine companion!
The Chinook Club of America welcomes new members who have a desire to support the purebred Chinook and the AKC. Visit our Membership Page for information on how to join our Club.
For information on current and upcoming litters and opportunities to meet a Chinook
please contact any of the CCA Chinook Breeder and Stud Dog participants on our website and check out our Meet a Chinook page with our Chinook Greeters' Map.
For information on current and upcoming litters and opportunities to meet a Chinook
please contact any of the CCA Chinook Breeder and Stud Dog participants on our website and check out our Meet a Chinook page with our Chinook Greeters' Map.
January 17th - Happy Birthday Chinook
News and Noteworty
January 2025: Enjoy a free copy of our newly designed CCA club magazine, The Chinook Advocate! Click on the Chinook Advocate tab for links to specific editions.
Connecticut River Working Association Shows
The CCA is supporting entries for the Connecticut River Working Association shows on March 1 & 2, 2025. Our Judges for Saturday are Breed-Mrs. Liebes and Sweepstakes-Ms. Arsenault. Judges for Sunday are Breed-Mrs. Strauss, Sweepstakes-Mr. Langevin. Prizes are $25 Amazon gift cards for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex, Select Dog and Select Bitch both days. If there are any class entries they will receive a bag of cookies. Entries close on Wednesday February 12, 2025 at noon at MB_F or enter online at www.infodog.com. Anyone needing help with entries can contact Patti Richards or Kathleen Riley.
December 2024 - CCA supported the entry of 10 Chinooks at the
2024 Royal Canin AKC National Championship
December 2025: Dues Renewal
CCA Members have received a statement of dues renewal status for 2025. To renew, send a check payable to Chinook Club of America and mail it to Joan McMahon, CCA Membership Secretary, 7650 Rolling Oak Drive, Centerville, Ohio 45459, or pay by using PayPal. (See membership page for link to PayPal.)
CCA Members have received a statement of dues renewal status for 2025. To renew, send a check payable to Chinook Club of America and mail it to Joan McMahon, CCA Membership Secretary, 7650 Rolling Oak Drive, Centerville, Ohio 45459, or pay by using PayPal. (See membership page for link to PayPal.)
Did you know? The Chinook is the Official State Dog of New Hampshire?
Visit our Chinook History Project for documents and photos on the fascinating origins
of the Chinook Breed. Historic photos galore!